Friday, July 24, 2015

3 mesmerising things about Ek Nayi Ummeed - Roshni

Ek Nayi Ummeed Roshni, the brand new tale of doctors by on Life Ok steadily becoming one of the most talked about shows of Indian TV. Here are some of the reasons why the viewers are totally loving the show.

The Nanu - Nawasi effect - The show is presenting a very fresh nanu - nawasi relationship which gives it a very sweet touch. Dr. Roshni (Pooja Gor) shares each an everything with her Nanu (Amol Paleker) who in return guides her in all possible ways. Her Nanu is not only her best friend but her idol too.

The bro- sis chemistry - Everytime you see Roshni in conversation with Rajat (Inderjeet Sagoo) it touches your heart and somehow reminds you of your sibling. Every brother adresses his sister with a special nick name, So does Rajat (he calls her billi). They look up to each other and adore each other totally.

The trio bonding - Undoubtedly Roshni's friends Nick (Sahil Anand) and Doodle (Imran Javed) are her biggest strength. They tease each other, pull each others legs, have fights but at the same time they stand up for each other.

Being a regular follower of this show, I feel it has one of the finest storyline which is been portrayed beautifully. I hope it continues with its strong and 'hat ke' Script.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The 'Oh wow' facts about Ek Nayi Ummeed - Roshni

When I watch the regular saas bahu sagas (with my saasu mom Offcourse) I can actually do multi tasking, like cooking, attending calls, chit chatting and what not. All thanks to the same old predictable storylines. But Ek Nayi Ummeed - Roshni as come as a saviour for all the viewers like me who were craving to watch something out of the league.

When you watch the show you are actually glued to your TV sets and you would just hate the advertisements in between. We have surely watched TV shows which portrayed the life of doctors. But wait a minute! Were they so realistic? No!! 

What makes Ek nayi ummeed - Roshni look so realistic is the real doc who's present in the sets. Yes!! Dr. Amitabh Ghosh is the man who gives a real medical touch to the entire show. 

The intricacies and terminologies are used so beautifully that you would start believing that everything is happening in front of you

Doctors have a completely different personality. They have a superb body language, an aura which makes them different from others and all the actors of team Roshni carry that body language very well. 

What makes you feel good about this show are the lil yet important details, like doctors cleaning up themselves before an after a surgery, the way medical instruments are handled, the way they speak to each other in an OT etc. 

Undoubtedly, a lot of research must have been done on the script to make it look so realistic and mesmerizing.

Actors like Pooja Gor, Sahil Anand and Imran Javed as trio are giving the a show a lively touch. Their friendship would surely remind you of the good times you spent with your best friends. Not to forget the Bonding between Dr. Roshni with her Nanu ( Amol Palekar) 
which is like a cherry on the cake.

Although, Its just been a week since the show has started, It is winning hearts of many of the viewers (like me). Indian television surely needs more such realistic shows like Ek nayi Ummeed - Roshni.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ek nayi ummeed Roshni - A visual treat for Indian viewers.

I have recently lost my paternal uncle because of medical negligence by the doctors of a famous medical institution. He had undergone a knee replacement surgery which took a sore turn. My family had lost faith in the doctors and we started believing that this profession is slowly becoming commercial. Just then we saw the promos of Ek Nayi Ummeed - Roshni.

'Agar ham medical profession ko business kahenge, to hospital ko kya kahenge shopping mall'? When Dr. Roshni (Pooja Gor) says that, it actually makes you feel how important it is for a doctor to work selflessly for the patients. Not to forget the lines 'Mere liye patients ki life pehle hai aur hospital ke rules bad me' and 'koi bhi protocol patient ki life se bada nahi hota' would make you wish Roshni to be a real life doc.

The best part about this show is that it won't let you feel made up. Every terminology every sequence looks so realistic that you actually feel things happening in front of you.

The perfect blend of veteran actors, young popular actors and newbies makes the show even more interesring. On one hand you see experienced actors like Amol Palekar, Raghuveer Yadav, Divya Seth Shah, Rahul Vohra and Krushh Deboo in significant characters and on the other hand young actors like Pooja Gor and Sahil Anand in the lead.
Fresh faces like Imran Javed and Inderjeet Sagoo are perfect selection for their respective roles

This show brings your faith back in Medical profession and you actually start believing that doctors for whom patients are of utmost priority do exist. Thanks Life Ok for bringing this show.
5 Reasons why you just can't Miss Ek Nayi Ummeed Roshni :

If you are amongst one of the Indian TV viewers who is sick and tired of the same old saas bahu sagas, Here's something really exciting for you. Life ok's new show Ek Nayi Ummeed - Roshni has actually come as an 'Ummeed' for the viewers who were craving to watch something 'hat ke'.  Here are few reasons why you just can't miss this show!

1) Amol Palekar (Dr. Singh) - Yes!! This veteran actor is a complete visual treat for you. Every single expression, Every single dialogue delivered by him reminds you of an experienced doc who is pleasant and reassuring. Dr. Singh being a veteran doc he's the guiding light in Dr. Roshni's life. He knows when to be a grandfather and when to be a idol for Dr. Roshni and thats what makes his character so special.

2) Pooja Gor (Dr. Roshni) - The leading lady who had earlier done a fantabulous job in 'Pratigya' would simply take your breath away. You see her in a totally different avtar who is intelligent, prompt and ready to risk  even her career for the sake of her patients. You'll totally fall for dis honest doc!!

3) Sahil Anand (Dr. Nikhil) - You must have fallen in love with this actor after watching his acting in SOTY where he played a sweet and chirpy character and now he's back with a bang and charms you with his superb acting and completly different chatacter. Dr. Nik is a fab doctor and a lovely friend who's perfect in every way.

4) Imran Javed (Doodle) - Although he's a debutant he's not leaving any stones unturned to make his character look realistic. Doodle is a smart doc, a shy guy and a cute friend who can do anything and everything for his besties.

5) Inderjeet Sagoo ( Dr. Rajat) - The character of Dr. Rajat would not have been portrayed so well if it would not have been Inder. Dr. Rajat dreams big and can go to any extent to follow and fulfill them. His strong character definately makes this show different..

With brilliant actors and a strong story line this show is becoming a favorite especially amongst the youngsters. If you are not following this show you are definately missing something.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Has anything changed after the Delhi Gang rape Conviction?

Change is a big word. Some like it while some hate it. What remains persistent is that change happens, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad.  We as the public of a democratic India should use our veto rights to voice our opinions in favor of some positive evolutions in our country. Indeed only if we don't just not leave the word "change"  defined in the dictionary. We are the tax payers, we are the receivers of knowledge, we are the people or to be more apt we are the democracy of this country India. Then a country which is so liberal, modern and on the path of development suffers consequences like rape , female abuse sexual and physical and such a constant terror to their security. It's not the government, it's the democracy which has failed.
The recent case of Nirbhaya has set an example that justice is not a vague term in our country, it does happen sometimes. Well, honestly if the rapist would have been some famous politician or businessman son then I guess the situation would have completely different. There are laws for some deaf ears to follow in our country. We are those weak pillars who are ready to fall but not ready to change. So after conviction if we claim that we have changed then I guess we are going the wrong way.  We are same, we have just taken a step towards a good change. Being the democracy we should not just silently protest but take leaps, major one. A building which stands on weak bricks will fall terribly in calamity. Same is our country India. We have strong laws but they are not stringent. We are liberal, yes we are. We let the murderers open in the crowd, we do not arrest them. We pay taxes for the survival of a terrorist and do not even question. We do vote for losers and then sit on Sunday and criticize. This is WE, the power of which is diminished. If a girl is lying naked on the roads of a capital metro like Delhi without being attended then it's a fail of humanity. On what rights we are going and pointing fingers at each other when we ourselves are at fault. I just want people to understand that if we don't take things seriously then we are inviting threats to ourselves. The rapist have raped, enjoyed, killed. The protest have definitely made the government act and the culprits are punished , but this justice is temporary. What we need should last forever. We need a change. A change in our own perception. A change in the outlook towards people. Not only men , but a women should also change her perceptions about herself. She is not someone to be taken granted for. She is not the one to be dominated. She is neither someone to be taken care of, cause she is strong enough to stand alone and fight. That is a women power, much more and greater than men. Not sounding feminist, the males should also learn to respect women not just by words but by action. To make this happen a face book page and status won't help. A universal education of sex will. Not again by mere fakeness but in real. The men should also know that certain outrageous acts will not give them recognition but only destroy their identity. Their ego and anger should not encouraged by women instead be suppressed . A man and a woman are equal , no one is greater than each other. If this equation survives, humanity will survive, Democracy will breathe and women will live a new lease of life with security.
We, are the people who criticize media and government while we are the same people who choose them  I know there are many who are thinking, who am I to say such big things? but definitely I am someone big, I am someone who runs this country, I am that one person who votes for our representatives, I am a common man and I am the most powerful in this democratic country so I exercise my rights. What about you ???

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Is western culture better than ours??

The month of January marks the beginning of English New Year which is accepted and followed majorly across the world. English calendar was something which was been followed by us since the time of British rule India. The impact of this calendar has been such that even today after 64 years of independence we are away from our original culture and majority of us are not even aware of the Indian Calendar which is considered be much more scientific than the English calendar.

The Indian youth today is drifting apart from the culture and is getting attracted towards the fascinating western culture. It is sad that our generation do not even know counting in our mother tongue Hindi forget that they will ever know about the name of the months according to the Hindu calendar. It has been truly quoted by ‘Maithilisharan guptji’ that one who is not proud of his language and culture is no less than an animal and has no right to be called as a human being. After all what is the difference between an animal and a human?? The Indian Mythology states that Hunger, Sleep and Fear are three essentials of an animal as well as a human being. But the only factor which makes a human different is his religion.

It is been noticed that in the name of religion people often create disturbances in the society. It should be clear that every religion preaches that human being should spread love, live in harmony and share happiness. Religion makes a human being cultured and teaches him to follow his own tradition. It is saddening that Indian youth reluctantly follows their own culture and know little about the same. Our tradition encourages our religion and our religion encourages our tradition. For instance in western culture new year is being celebrated by partying out and consuming alcohol which unfortunately Indian youth has also adopted. The beauty of our tradition is that we welcome New Year by fasting and praying to god for the well being of our families, neighbourhood and society. Western culture believes in merely enjoying life but our culture teaches us to walk with our tradition and follow our religion. It encourages us to enjoy life but also to complete our ‘Karma’.

We celebrate New Year according to the English Calendar as it is tough for us to shed it off immediately as it is being followed since decades now. But, we all should at least be aware about our own tradition which besides mythological also has scientific reasons to celebrate every festival. New Year is being celebrated in winters according to western culture which is considered to be a lethargic and lazy season in our culture. Thus, in our culture we celebrate New Year during the spring season(April) which is said to be a time of rebirth, renewal and re growth. Welcoming the New Year in this season marks the beginning of new life with freshness and positivity. Interestingly, our academic sessions and financial year is also from April till March according to the Indian Calendar.

Talking about Calendar I would not forget to mention that the Gregorian Calendar (Western Calendar) which supposedly we all follow initially had just 10 months namely September the 7th month, October the eighth, November the ninth and December the tenth month. As this was not scientifically correct the July and August months were added up later on. The emperors and the rulers insisted in putting 31 days in both these months because of which the month of February was cut short to 28 days which also had 31 days earlier.

The beauty of Indian (Hindu) Calendar is that it moves according to the movement of the sun as well as the moon. According to the lunar calendar the months are divided into two parts i.e the ‘Krishna Paksh’ and ‘Shukl Paksh’. All our festivals are thus celebrated in either part of a particular month. The best thing about following this calendar is that even a person who stays in an isolated area and has no connection with any form of media can get to know about the festivals by just looking at the position and size of the moon. Our calendar is therefore considered to be scientifically stronger than the Gregorian calendar. Unfortunately, our generation has minimal knowledge about all this.

Keeping another viewpoint, the Roman numbers which lost its significance after the introduction of ‘0’ by Aryabhatta are still being taught in our schools but sadly the children are given least knowledge about the significance of the culture we follow the scientific and mythological reasons behind celebrating the festivals in India and so on.

I strongly feel that we are over-seeing the beauty of our culture and getting trapped in the western culture. We should understand that the environment, the society and the people of every country are different from each other and so is the culture. Our country has a culture which we should adopt proudly so that the coming generations are set free from the trap of the westernization which we were once upon a time forced to follow.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love is in the air???????

"Who Care's if boards are just 20 days away,It's Valentine's day and I surely will spend the day with my boyfriend" said one of my friend when asked about whether she will celebrate Valentine's day this time, as she's in class 12th.
With Cupid ringing bells at the doorstep of every lover, the favorite time of the year is here for the youngster's specially for the teenager's who barely know about what love is, just the thought of getting gift's from their girlfriends or boyfriends excites them.
For the new lovey-dovey's it's sure the day to get more mushy, lot's of coochi-cooing and public display of affection.For the veteran's it's a bitter reminder of how thing's have changed, the lack of heart-shaped chocolates and hugging each other in public.For the long-distant one's it's a day to be glued to their mobiles and cursing their fate to be away on this day and for the single-ready to mingle one's it's a day to try out their love luck.
Having a partner has become a fashion today.A person who doesn't have one is looked upon as an alien and is booed everyday in his friend circle.This is the reason people just look for a partner and not for true love.Such relationship's end in a very short span of time.But, life doesn't end here.The search for a new partner begins the very next day of the break-up(I should rather say the very next hour).
The search specially gears up during the valentine's month.The race to show-off their partner's excites every youngster today.
So what is Valentine's day?
Many of the youngster may think its the day to celebrate the love for their partner's.But the story behind Valentine's day may not exactly be said as a love story.A legend say's that Saint Valentine was friends with an Emperor in Rome but was cruelly killed by him on this particular day for helping people marrying in Christian ceremonies even after been warned not to, by the Emperor.But how and why people celebrate this day as a day for celebrating love with their partner is not mentioned anywhere in the legend.
Why is love confined to a partner of opposite sex? Can't the fondness for the smell of rain,the shining stars lighting up our dark nights,the first ray of the dawning sun,the flowers in our garden,the shadow of the trees be termed as love?
Can' the affection of your mother, the hug from her,your favorite food prepared by her despite coming late from her office be termed as love?
Why can't your father's scolding for your benefit,his concern for you despite been buried under loads of work pressure be termed as love?
Yes it can be termed as love.
Then why can't your nature,your mother or your father be your valentine?Think about it?